MediChoice Member Information for 2019
RSVP for all meeting can be sent to [email protected]
As your Medicare Insurance Agents and a Trusted Resource, we are informing you that there will be major changes affecting your Medicare Health and Drug Plans for January 2019! You should have already received information from your Insurance Company.
This letter is being sent to you because your current Medicare Cost Plan will be ending on December 31, 2018. The plans ending are…
- Blue Cross Blue Shield- Platinum Blue
- Health Partners- Freedom
- Medica- Prime Solution
Your current Medicare Cost plan will end on December 31, 2018!
These changes will affect you and over 340,000 Minnesota seniors who will have to choose a new Medicare Health and Drug plan starting October 15, 2018. Your new plan will begin on January 1, 2019.
We can and will help you through this. We Make Medicare EASY!
James & Joe Romeo and our team will be conducting MediChoice Insurance Agency Townhall Meetings in July and August of 2018 in many locations. At these meetings, we will review the options to prepare you for the changes.
Do you have Friends and Family on the Medicare Cost Plans listed above? Please bring them to one of our Townhall Meetings, or tell them to call us. We want to make sure that everyone has access to a local, knowledgeable agent.
We are your local independent insurance agency, and we represent all the local and national Medicare plans such as AARP, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Health Partners, Humana, Medica, Silver Script, UCare, United Health Care and many more. We will recommend the plans that will work for your needs.
We value your trust and confidence, and we are working hard to make this process as smooth as possible. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you.
From Your Medicare Insurance Agents,
James & Joe Romeo
Agency Owners
MediChoice Insurance Agency
Please join us for our MediChoice Insurance Agency Townhall Meetings–
Minnesota Medicare Changes for 2019
We will discuss the different types of Medicare Plans that will be available to you in 2019. Additional topics include what and why this is happening? When you must make changes? What plan options will you have? We will discuss the new changes and answer your questions.
Please invite your Friends and Family to join us for these Informational Meetings!
RSVP: Call 952 367-6350 or e-mail us at [email protected]